Online shopping

"... Shopping Cart, Settlement & Shipping Solutions..."
How does it work?



Physical Goods Load hundreds of goods with pictures, prices and daily specials.
Digital Goods Upload your files and sell digital goods with ease and convenience.
Passwords & Logins If you are offering services and would like to collect subscription fees, then let our shopping cart send the passwords automatically to your customers once the purchase is complete.
File Downloads Store your files or software on our servers and allow your customers to purchase and download your files automatically after making a purchase.
Bank Settlements Full bank settlement and integration is provided.
Card Settlements Numerous gateways are available allowing for all major credit cards to be processed.
Verified & Secure Transactions Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode are only some of the many security and verification features provided.
Realtime Shipping  Interface for real time shipping quotes or customized shipping rates for various products.






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4/29/2024 7:52:51 AM